Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Unfolded mind

I have been thinking a lot about starting a blog lately. But nothing concrete came to my mind until I actually set pen to paper. My credentials as economists and development practitioner helped me penning around 15 topics of interest to start with. Although seems scrutinised, none of which will be scientific or hardwired in research. I aim at incidental expression of opinion about things I know superficially.

The reason I stayed away from engaging in writing a blog is because I as an academic researcher come across a lot which is of typical theoretical interests. All of my research work could have been a meaty topic to write about but I do not want to bore readers by churning out insipid debates.

Rather, it would be interesting to discuss something which I am unaware of. Breaking with all precedent I would begin with something I do not understand. I like reading fantasy books, but I am unaware of magic world. Lets start with a fresh discussion on magic world through the lens of patronage.